Friday, June 12, 2009

Clear Intention: A crucial element of Results

In continuing our dialogue on creating Results; clear intention is critical.

In previous articles we have reviewed, desiring results, and creating a Vision. Remember this is a step by step process, and there are no short cuts… therefore, if you haven’t created a Vision, you get to do that before moving on. (Go back and read my article: I want RESULTS, How do I get them?)

Throughout my day I have numerous goals, events, activates, things I want/will accomplish. Even the most mundane activity gets to be completed in a manner that is rooted in my vision. Why is this important? First, it is an opportunity for me to remain: true to me. This grounds me in integrity and creates clarity in my actions. Second, just like your mom may have told you: “if it is worth doing it is worth doing right.” Be impeccable and do your best—every time, with everything.

Options for getting things done:
I can just dive in and see what happens. OR I can pause, connect with my vision, get clear, and choose to take committed action, which will yield the result I am committed to creating.

This article is focused on getting clear. What does that mean? Why does it matter? Clarity means, you can see the result, the end as having already happened.
- If you are getting clear about running a marathon, in your mind you have crossed the finish line at 26.2 miles, set a personal record, and feel stronger and empowered by your accomplishment.
- If you are getting clear about getting a raise, there is no doubt in your mind that you are worthy, bring great value to the company, your boss respects you and is just waiting for you to ask, and in fact is prepared to call human resources and inform them to raise your salary 15% a year.
- If you are getting clear about connecting with your family, or mending a relationship, you aren’t focused on the lack or shortcomings of the past. But are focused on what a healthy, open, honest, healed relationship feels like and what that will mean to your family, friends and self.

See clarity matters because it is your moment to communicate to the Universe, exactly what it is you want, and what you are committed to creating. Clarity is the blueprint that will turn into a tangible accomplishment, as soon as you become so committed nothing will stand in your way.

Without clarity, everything is left to chance. Sometimes you’ll win and sometimes you’ll have a result that creates massive learning opportunities. So for your sanity and growth, get clear. Practice it everyday… even with the little things. Be true to yourself, honor your integrity, walk the walk by being clear with your intentions.

Next time we’ll get down to work with committed actions. Putting your vision and clarity in action and creating the life and results you deserve.

Thanks for all the feedback and support. Keep the emails coming to

To your happiness, health and wealth!
Thanks for reading.

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